视频:古琴剧场 巫娜的选本-5月良辰美景
TAGS: 戏剧,方家胡同,46号剧场,黑方,巫娜
视频介绍: 小满。乃二十四节气第八。“斗指甲为小满,万物长于此少得盈满,麦至此方小满而未全熟,故名也”。 Grain Buds, the 8th solar term of the 24 solar terms, that’s when the barley and winter wheat starts to bear fruit. The kernels gradually become plump, but are not mature yet, thus called Grain Buds. 《良辰美景——张卫东先生吟哦、琴歌专场》(Moments of beauty——Zhang Weidong’s Chant and Qin songs) 引 • 清和节当春 Opening •Clear and Warm is the Late Spring 琴:杨芬 王亮 Qin: Yang Fen Wang Liang 天 • 金经弦诵 (Heaven • classic reading from strings) 《论语——学而第一》 Confucian Analects—Upon Learning 吟哦:张卫东 箫:宁英杰 Chanted by Zhang Weidong Bamboo Flute: Ning Yingjie 《诗经——关雎》Book of Poetry—Cooing and Wooing (Guanju) 吟哦:张卫东 琴:王亮 Chanted by Zhang Weidong Qin: Wang Liang 地 • 诗词歌赋 (Earth •Poetry) 《苏轼--江城子》 十年生死两茫茫 唱:杨欣韵(助演) 琴:杨芬 箫:宁英杰 Su Shi—Tune:“A RIVERSIDE TOWN” For ten long years the living of the dead knows nought. Sung by Yang Xinyun Qin: Yang Fen Flute: Ning Yingjie 《李白--关山月》 明月出天山 唱:张卫东 琴:王亮 Li Bai-- THE MOON AT THE FORTIFIED PASS The bright moon lifts from the Mountain of Heaven Sung by Zhang Weidong Qin:Wang Liang 《秋风词》 秋风清,秋月明 唱:张卫东 琴:杨芬 AUTUMN WIND TUNE Autumn wind is fresh, autumn moon is bright. Sung by Zhang Weidong Qin: Yang Fen 《双唱阳关》 渭城朝雨浥轻尘 唱:张卫东 琴:杨芬 王亮 箫:宁英杰 SUNNY PASS No dust us raised on the road wet with morning rain. Sung by Zhang Weidong Qin: Yang Fen Bamboo Flute: Ning Yingjie 人 • 赏心乐事 (People •The Delights) 《刘禹锡—陋室铭》 山不在高,有仙则名 唱:张卫东 琴:杨芬 Liu Yuxi-- AN EPIGRAPH IN PRAISE OF MY HUMBLE HOME A mountain needn't be high; It is famous so long as there is a deity on it. Sung by Zhang Weidong Qin: Yang Fen 《李煜—虞美人》 春花秋月何时了 吟哦:张卫东 琴:杨芬 Li Yu—Tune:“THE BEAUTIFUL LADY YU” When there will be no more an autumn moon and spring time flowers Chanted by Zhang Weidong Qin: Yang Fen 《牡丹亭—皂罗袍》 原来姹紫嫣红开遍 唱:张卫东 琴:杨芬 箫:宁英杰 Peony Pavilion—THE SILKEN GOWN Beautiful Flowers are in full blossom Sung by Zhang Weidong Qin: Yang Fen Bamboo Flute: Nin
视频介绍: 小满。乃二十四节气第八。“斗指甲为小满,万物长于此少得盈满,麦至此方小满而未全熟,故名也”。 Grain Buds, the 8th solar term of the 24 solar terms, that’s when the barley and winter wheat starts to bear fruit. The kernels gradually become plump, but are not mature yet, thus called Grain Buds. 《良辰美景——张卫东先生吟哦、琴歌专场》(Moments of beauty——Zhang Weidong’s Chant and Qin songs) 引 • 清和节当春 Opening •Clear and Warm is the Late Spring 琴:杨芬 王亮 Qin: Yang Fen Wang Liang 天 • 金经弦诵 (Heaven • classic reading from strings) 《论语——学而第一》 Confucian Analects—Upon Learning 吟哦:张卫东 箫:宁英杰 Chanted by Zhang Weidong Bamboo Flute: Ning Yingjie 《诗经——关雎》Book of Poetry—Cooing and Wooing (Guanju) 吟哦:张卫东 琴:王亮 Chanted by Zhang Weidong Qin: Wang Liang 地 • 诗词歌赋 (Earth •Poetry) 《苏轼--江城子》 十年生死两茫茫 唱:杨欣韵(助演) 琴:杨芬 箫:宁英杰 Su Shi—Tune:“A RIVERSIDE TOWN” For ten long years the living of the dead knows nought. Sung by Yang Xinyun Qin: Yang Fen Flute: Ning Yingjie 《李白--关山月》 明月出天山 唱:张卫东 琴:王亮 Li Bai-- THE MOON AT THE FORTIFIED PASS The bright moon lifts from the Mountain of Heaven Sung by Zhang Weidong Qin:Wang Liang 《秋风词》 秋风清,秋月明 唱:张卫东 琴:杨芬 AUTUMN WIND TUNE Autumn wind is fresh, autumn moon is bright. Sung by Zhang Weidong Qin: Yang Fen 《双唱阳关》 渭城朝雨浥轻尘 唱:张卫东 琴:杨芬 王亮 箫:宁英杰 SUNNY PASS No dust us raised on the road wet with morning rain. Sung by Zhang Weidong Qin: Yang Fen Bamboo Flute: Ning Yingjie 人 • 赏心乐事 (People •The Delights) 《刘禹锡—陋室铭》 山不在高,有仙则名 唱:张卫东 琴:杨芬 Liu Yuxi-- AN EPIGRAPH IN PRAISE OF MY HUMBLE HOME A mountain needn't be high; It is famous so long as there is a deity on it. Sung by Zhang Weidong Qin: Yang Fen 《李煜—虞美人》 春花秋月何时了 吟哦:张卫东 琴:杨芬 Li Yu—Tune:“THE BEAUTIFUL LADY YU” When there will be no more an autumn moon and spring time flowers Chanted by Zhang Weidong Qin: Yang Fen 《牡丹亭—皂罗袍》 原来姹紫嫣红开遍 唱:张卫东 琴:杨芬 箫:宁英杰 Peony Pavilion—THE SILKEN GOWN Beautiful Flowers are in full blossom Sung by Zhang Weidong Qin: Yang Fen Bamboo Flute: Nin
关于《古琴剧场 巫娜的选本-5月良辰美景》的评论 (6)
日影飞去(63557) 2012-05-18 20:45:56
天意_9243(63556) 2012-08-17 23:43:25
北昆刘剑钧(63555) 2012-10-04 18:40:29
谢谢~~俺 喜欢听古琴~转走了!
酉熊嗣(63554) 2012-10-04 18:58:43
北昆刘剑钧(63553) 2012-10-04 19:04:07
酉熊嗣(63552) 2012-10-04 19:06:28