TAGS: 古琴,古琴独奏,王悠荻古琴,香港演艺学院
视频介绍: 《龍翔操》 《蕉庵琴譜》 (1868) 張子謙 打譜 樂曲形象地表現龍在天空中飛翔,穿雲出霧,意趣橫生。根據張 子謙版本,全曲節奏為散板,生動流暢。 Soaring of the Dragon Jiaoan qinpu (1868) Dapu by Zhang Ziqian The piece is about the dragon flying in the sky and tries to depict a scene of freedom and enjoyment of the dragon as it soars into the Heaven. According to the version by Zhang Ziqian, the music is played in free rhythm, making it lively and flowing.
视频介绍: 《龍翔操》 《蕉庵琴譜》 (1868) 張子謙 打譜 樂曲形象地表現龍在天空中飛翔,穿雲出霧,意趣橫生。根據張 子謙版本,全曲節奏為散板,生動流暢。 Soaring of the Dragon Jiaoan qinpu (1868) Dapu by Zhang Ziqian The piece is about the dragon flying in the sky and tries to depict a scene of freedom and enjoyment of the dragon as it soars into the Heaven. According to the version by Zhang Ziqian, the music is played in free rhythm, making it lively and flowing.
关于《古琴独奏《龙翔操》王悠荻硕士毕业音乐会节选》的评论 (1)
luckstorm(66289) 2012-12-02 14:12:41