TAGS: 口琴,十孔口琴,10孔口琴,布鲁斯口琴,口琴教程,视频口琴教程
视频介绍: 以下是引用 sdchen 的发言: 十孔口琴有单孔和多孔两种含法,单孔含法比较简单,而多孔含法相对难度大一些。请问,十孔口琴的多孔含法会产生哪些吹奏技巧呢? As we all know, we can play harmonica with the method of contain one hole or several holes.The second method is much harder, and I want to know the techniques used on that. Thanks.
视频介绍: 以下是引用 sdchen 的发言: 十孔口琴有单孔和多孔两种含法,单孔含法比较简单,而多孔含法相对难度大一些。请问,十孔口琴的多孔含法会产生哪些吹奏技巧呢? As we all know, we can play harmonica with the method of contain one hole or several holes.The second method is much harder, and I want to know the techniques used on that. Thanks.
关于《[10孔布鲁斯口琴视频教程]十孔口琴多孔含法产生的吹奏技巧》的评论 (0)