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视频:腐尸爱美丽-圈子音乐现场 手风琴乞讨者

类别:手风琴 用户:teddybearzll 发布日期:15年前 播放次数:545
TAGS: 腐尸爱美丽,摇滚,民谣,哥特,the,Zombie,LOVES,beauty
视频介绍: 2009年12月12日 腐尸爱美丽在圈子音乐现场 清晰完整版! 成  员: 主唱、吉他:麻花 / 吉他:刘永 / 贝司、萧:吕涛 / 鼓:教主 / 女声:蝎子 / 小提琴:奶兔 / 手风琴:腐尸   唱片公司: 命运之匙   流  派:摇滚/Rock   风  格: 水产民谣 畜牧金属 烂帐哥特 哥特 民谣金属      腐尸爱美丽   乐队于零七年春成立于四川成都。   就像给人娓娓道来的叙述故事一样,作品以晦涩、唯美、悲伤的片段和个人情感为主题,徘徊在忧伤悲情的小调氛围之中,以情绪化的粗糙演奏,诉说着诗人们、阳痿患者们、偷窥狂们和所谓正人君子们的孤独和迷惘。   在经历了一系列的民谣演出之后,几个烂帐开始追求重口味,不断的往中世纪与暗潮的风格上探索,09年夏天相继加入了鼓手教主、吉他手刘永以及成都女声乐家蝎子。自此,乐队作品变得更为丰富,风格趋于民谣金属与烂账土哥特。 Band Members: Vocal、Guitar: Mahua / Guitar: Liu Yong / Bass、Flute: Lv Tao/ Drummer: Jiaozhu / Vocal: Xiezi / Violin: Naitu / Accordion : Fushi /   Production: Keysmet Productions   Genre: Rock   Style: Aquatic folk, Farming metal, Goth, Folk metal      Introduction:   The Zombie Loves Beauty   The band was formed in the spring of 2007, Chengdu, Sichuan.   Like soft storytelling, the songs of the zombie loves beauty focus on obscure, aesthetic, languish sensibilities and personal emotions, lingering in an aura of mild melancholy and sorrow. Emotional and crude as it is, the performing style tells of the loneliness and bewilderment of the poets, impotence sufferers, peepers and the so-called men of honor.   After a series of folk style performances, these people started to pursue a stronger musical taste, probing into medieval and dark wave styles. In the summer of 2009, the zombie loves beauty got Jiaozhu the drummer, Liu Yong the guitar player and Xiezi the female Chengdu vocalist. From then on, the songs of the band have enjoyed a great deal of diversity and the music style has gone to folk metal and goth.
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