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歌谱:sick of you(TXT吉他谱)

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From sportiga@uoguelph.ca Sun Sep 26 12:15:45 1993
Received: from herman.cs.uoguelph.ca by snowhite.cis.uoguelph.ca (5.64/1.35)
id AA07826; Sun, 26 Sep 93 12:15:45 -0400
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( id AA21464; Sun, 26 Sep 93 12:16:53 -0400
Date: Sun, 26 Sep 93 12:16:53 -0400
From: Steve L Portigal <sportiga@uoguelph.ca
To: sportiga@herman.cs.uoguelph.ca
Subject: (fwd) TAB: GWAR's 'Sick of You'
Newsgroups: rec.music.makers.guitar.tablature,alt.guitar.tab
Organization: Akbar and Jeff's Thesis Hut
Reply-To: stevep@snowhite.cis.uoguelph.ca
Status: OR

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From: boydso@NeXTwork.Rose-Hulman.Edu
Newsgroups: rec.music.makers.guitar.tablature,alt.guitar.tab
Subject: TAB: GWAR's 'Sick of You'
Date: 26 Sep 1993 04:11:51 GMT
Organization: Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology
Lines: 47
Message-ID: <2834q7$c85@master.cs.rose-hulman.edu
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Xref: nermal.cs.uoguelph.ca rec.music.makers.guitar.tablature:7557 alt.guitar.tab:12955

Well, someone requested some GWAR, so I thought that since I had a few minutes,
I'd post this song (since it's pretty easy). I make no statement about its
accuracy, except to say that it sounds good enough to me. 8)

Well, first off, GWAR tunes their instruments 1/2 step, so that's what you
gotta do to sound right.

Here's the first riff

pm..] pm..]
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