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歌谱:hotel hobbies(TXT吉他谱)

演唱:佚名 作词:未知 作词:未知 来源:网络转载 人气: --

Received: from animal-farm.nevada.edu by redrock.nevada.edu (5.65c/M1.4)
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Date: Wed, 19 May 93 09:34:41 0200
From: Denis.Descause@der.edf.fr (Denis Descause)
Message-Id: <9305190734.AA06044@clr48pl>
To: jamesb@animal-farm.nevada.edu
Subject: Marillion Hotel Hobbies (chopro format) (Clutching at straws)

Here are the chords of Hotel Hobbies. Other songs of Clutching
at straws will follow

For now, enjoy this one.

Denis Descause
Electricite de France / Direction Etudes et Recherches
1 av du General De Gaulle
92141 Clamart Cedex
Tel:(33 1) 47 65 30 85 , Fax: (33 1) 47 65 46 88
Email: Denis.Descause@der.edf.fr

{define Am/D1 0 1 2 0 - -}
{define G/D1 3 3 4 0 - -}
{define A/D1 0 2 2 0 - -}
{define C/D1 0 1 0 0 - -}
{define D/E1 2 3 2 2 - -}
{define Asus4 1 0 3 2 2 0 -}
{define C51 2 1 - 2 - -}
{define Bm71 2 3 2 4 2 -}
{t: Hotel Hobbies}
{st: Marillion}

[Dm]Hotel hobbies padding [Am/D]dawns hollow corridors
Bell boys checking out the [Dm]hookers in the bar
[Dm]Slug-like fingers trace the [Am/D]star-spangled clouds of cocaine on the mirror
[Dm] The short straw takes its [Dm]bow
[Dm]The tell tale sign of the [Am/D]last cigarette marking time in the pockets as the
[Dm]whisky sweat lies like dis[Dm]carded armour on an [Am/D]unmade bed
And a familiar craving [Dm] is crawling through his [D]head

And the [D]only sign of life is the ticking of the pen[G/D]
[C/D]Introducing characters to memories like old friends
[A/D]Frantic as a cardiograph scratching out the lines
In a [G/D]fever of confession a catalogue of crime in [D]happy hour
Do you [G/D]cry in [C/D]happy hour, do you hide in [A/D]happy hour, a pilgrimage to [G/D]happy hour

[Em]New shadows [Bm]tugging at the corner of his [D]eye
Jostling for [Asus4]attention as the [C5]sunlight flares
Through a curtains tear, [C]shuffling its beams
As if in [C5]nervous anticipa[Bm7]tion of another day

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