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歌谱:more than meets the eye(TXT吉他谱)

演唱:BANGLES 作词:未知 作词:未知 来源:网络转载 人气: --

From: hb3@aixterm4.urz.uni-heidelberg.de (Franz Lemmermeyer)

More Than Meets The Eye

1. He's got a slow slow ride, got a camera inside
A C#m B
He takes a picture, hangs it up to dry
And there's one girl named, and another displayed
A C#m B
All the time you can't help feeling ashamed
A C#m E
Given new reasons to survive
A C#m F#m B
He keeps a number of them alive
E G#m
There's a warning in the sky
E G#m
A stranger passing by
E G# C#
And there's more than meets the eye to the guy.

2. When you're so secure, never feeling unsure
That's the time to check behind your door
Cause there's one thing said when another is meant
He's around confusing you to the end
Seeing how changeable you feel
Don't think that happiness is real
And it's hard to justify
The tangle you untie
And there's more than meets the eye to the guy.

* Franz Lemmermeyer ****** And don't forget *
* hb3@ix.urz.uni-heidelberg.de ****** to boogie! *

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