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歌谱:love hate love(TXT吉他谱)

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Love, Hate, Love by Alice In Chains

Transcribed by Tim Twohig (TTwohig260@aol.com)

Here's most of the TAB for Love Hate Love. There's alot going on and there
are multi guitar tracks. I've done my best to get most of the song down,
but there may be some missing things. As usual, listen to the song for
proper feel of the song. Feel is what this song is all about.

Intro: (With Chorusing)

Do that one more time and then do this part and repeat it:


Verse: (Distortion) PM everything.


Repeat it a few times then: (PM all of this too)


Repeat the above two measures, but leave out the E chords at the end.

Yes, I'll throw in the solo:

---5 B---------5---7 B-----7-----------5----7--------------l------------------------
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