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today -- by Smashing Pumpkins
re-Transcribed by Chris Carman (cecarman@miavx1.acs.muohio.edu)
re-re-Transcribed by Jason Vertucio (bulletproof0418@hotmail.com)
(refer to the chord formations at the end of the file)

Chris: Okay, everyone, we've been duped by Billy Corgan. You don't need to
capo the first fret or tune down a 1/2 step or anything. Normal tuning,
I swear.

Jay: Okay, *someone*, whose names I won't mention, Chris, went a little happy
with major chords. I for the most part left this file intact, except
changing certain major chords to minor chords. I play this as an
acoustic, so I ain't sure if the tabs themselves are right or not. But
hey, you'll find that out for me I guess, won't ya? By the way, the Cm
chord in this song is basically a Cm(VIII) which is 8/10/10/8/8/8 but I
didn't feel like trying to fit the (VIII) everywhere. So just keep that
in mind. You can also use a regular Cm (x35543) during the verses if you
so choose. It makes the playing a lot simpler.
Okay. This is the over-talkative Jay V signin' out. Remember to get your
stuff from guitartabs.cc all the time!


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