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歌谱:children of paradise(TXT吉他谱)

演唱:佚名 作词:未知 作词:未知 来源:网络转载 人气: --

Children of Paradise - by Justin Hayward (of the Moody Blues) -
words and music by Justin Hayward and Mickey Feat; from the CD "The View From the Hill"
My interpretation only - questions or comment; Tony - acarfam@apex.net
This is a beautiful (spiritual) song. Fingerpick throughout.
Z (Riff) G
e --------------------------
b -------------0------------
g --0----2---------2-------

Intro: G Z
/ / / / / / / / / / / / / / / /(2X)
Verse:G CG Z
Like the crashing of a wave on the shores of consciousness,
We're alive and we're awake to the world,
And with the gift of love we're blessed. Cos..

Chorus:D CD C D C G Z
We can be, yes we can be, we can be children of paradise.
Children of paradise.

In the twinkling of an eye or the turning of a page,
Comes the moment when our time has arrived.
We can never be the same.

Chorus (repeat)

Bridge: Bm CGD
And all I know is we're still climbing up that hill
Bm C G D
And all we need to sustain us is love of love, the light of life,
Em A7 C D7
And the faith to know we can heal.... like children.

Through the violence and the rage, by the grace of love be still.
And the spirit that breaks free from the cage
Is the one they cannot kill.

Chorus: (repeat)
End: ZC G ZG
Children of paradisechildren of paradise.

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