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歌谱:true love ways(TXT吉他谱)

演唱:佚名 作词:未知 作词:未知 来源:网络转载 人气: --

True Love Ways
-Buddy Holly

Transcribed by Guitar Player Extraordinaire, Tim Stoll


Just you know why

why you and I

will by and by

know true love ways


Sometimes we'll sigh

sometimes we'll cry

but you'll know why

just you and I

know true love ways


Throughout the days

those true love ways

will bring us joys to share

with those who really care


Sometimes we'll sigh
sometimes we'll cry
but you'll know why
just you and I
know true love ways


Throughout the days
those true love ways
will bring us joys to share
with those who really care


Sometimes we'll sigh
sometimes we'll cry
but you'll know why
just you and I
know true love ways

For more great transcriptions, check out Rimsky's Guitar Page at:

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