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歌谱:romeo and juliet(TXT吉他谱)

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From: sl2d1@mars.ee.usu.edu (kreifeldt richard allen)
Subject: CRD: Romeo and Juliet by Dire Straights

Here are the chords for Romeo and Juliet by Dire Straights.
all of the usual diclaimers/excuses apply.

I took it from "Money for Nothing", the greatest hits CD.
To hear some great solo work, see the live versions on Alchemy(?)

First of all, you capo on the fith fret and then play the intro chords
as you would in first position (i.e. play the F as a first position C,
the Dm as a first position Am, etc) then you will find that the intro
is a simple fingerpicking of the chords, don't have to hardly move
the hands!

*NOTE* I wrote the actual chords out, not the normal thing of writing
out the chords as if in first position referenced to the capo. Sorry
about this, but I play it in first position while by friend plays
the capo'd part, so it was easier for me to write it this way. here is the conversion:

Actual chord Play Capo'd as first position
F (x87565) C
Dm (x57765) Am
C (875558) G
Bb (688766) F
Gm (xx5786) Dm

Romeo and Juliet:
F Dm x4

Verse I:
F C Dm C F
A lovestruck Romeo sings the streets a serenade
F C Dm C Bb
Laying everybody low with a love song that he made
C Bb C F
Finds a street light steps out into the shade
Bb C
Says something like you and me babe, how about it?
F C Dm C F
Juliet says hey it's Romeo, you nearly gave me a heart attack
F C Dm C Bb
He's underneath the window, she's singing hey la my boyfriends back
C Bb C F
you shouldn't come around here singing up to people like that
Bb C
Anyway, what you gonna do about it?

Chorus I:
F C Dm C Bb
Juliet the dice was loaded from the start
F C Dm C Bb
And I bet, and you exploded in my heart.
F C Dm Bb
And I forget, I forget, the movie song
Gm F Bb C Dm C F
When you gonna realize it was just that the time was wrong Juliet?

Verse II:
Come up on different streets, they both the streets of shame
Both dirty both mean, yes and even and dream was
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