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歌谱:good grief charlie browne(TXT吉他谱)

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From: sickfish@osiris.elte.hu
Date: Thu, 20 Jun 1996 09:55:15 EDT

Carter USM
Good Grief Charlie Brown (Morrison/Carter)
from the album 101 Damnations

transcribed by Gergely Grusz

intro riff (approx.)

e ------7------7------12------14------
h -------8------8-------13------15----
g --------7------7--------12------14--
d ------------------------------------
a ------------------------------------
e ------------------------------------


Thisis the whole thing, i.e. one sequence
is the sequence throughout, above is the timing of the lyrics.

There's no time for love Charlie Brown, aha
And if I should come up, it'll only bring your mother down
So I send you ten shillings as we have arranged
I take second willing cause I never change
My mind once it's made up, and it's made up
Charlie Brown.

Mother's found her golden gown and she drove to the end of town
I'm here alone, why don't you come home
For you know you've let the poor Charlie down
With I send you ten shillings as we have arranged
I take second willing cause I never change my mind
Once it's made up, and it's made up
Good grief Charlie Brown.


And it's made up
Oww, oww
And it's made up...

Have fun shouting this piece. Corrections :) to:


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