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演唱:佚名 作词:未知 作词:未知 来源:网络转载 人气: --

Arranged by Bob Carter
Email: bob.carter@clara.net

h=hammer on
p=pull off

Notes: This is basically all picking patterns - no timing notation is included and nothing should be inferred regarding how far the numbers are apart on the tab grid in terms of note length. The tricky bit with this piece is realising where the accents fall and consequently the timing might be a little hard to pick up from this transcription - enough listening to the track should make things clearer. The big arpeggiated chords at the start, in the middle and at the end seem best played just with the thumb.

Hope this is of some help - it's a lovely tune. The piece is capo'd on fret two. The way I've written it out, I've used 0 to represent an open string (rather than a 2 for 2nd fret) but then the other notation is the actual fret number, ie "4" means fret 4 which is two frets above the capo. Hope this is not too confusing. Email me if I can be of any assistance.


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