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歌谱:guiding star(TXT吉他谱)

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Subject: c/cast/guiding_star.crd
Date: Wed, 16 Jul 1997 17:03:05 0100
From: CYBERIA ealing 4 <cyberiaeal4@easynet.co.uk>

Guiding Star - Cast

From the album, "Mother Nature Calls"

Words and music by John Power


[Laboriously typed up by Mardi Gras(TNT)]
[Transcribed by TNT SHWE]

I have included two versions of this song. BOTH require tuning down half a step to match the key of the album version. They do not differ in music, since the song is easy to play, but they do differ in notation. Version 1 is the professional reading version. Version 2 is the more user friendly, "forget that you have tuned your guitar" version!

-------------VERSION 1 (THE PROFESSIONAL READERS VERSION!)-----------------

Notes: The first note, and probably the most important is that to play this song, first you must tune your guitar down by a half step to Eb Bb Gb Db Ab Eb. I have transcribed it in the correct key as on the album and single versions, which means that if you have the single with the acoustic version on it, you can play it also since the acoustic mix has the similar, if not, same music as the album version.
For the album version, use two guitars; one (the lead) with distortion, one (the rhythm) with acoustic. Listen to the track and listen out for where the distortion comes in! Otherwise, play the acoustic mix with a lone guitar and soloing using vocal humming!
The F chord (really the Fb chord when tuned half a step down), is a transition chord and should not be played for as long as the other chords.
Make sure you include a lot of muting with the "fret" hand between chord changes.
There is not much left for me to say, only that this song never fails to brighten up my gloomy mornings... Now go get the track and play along!! :)

In this transcription, I have written all the chords you exactly need to play... Play them in the correct position and don't forget that you are now tuned down half a step!

Recommended Chord Positions:


Eb or D# O221OO F 244322
Bb or A# x24442 E 133211 C x46664

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